Monday, September 29, 2008

The Life Before My Eyes

So, I sit here today. The weather Sucks, The sky is gray, and IT'S FREEZING. {Now for those of you who are in Florida it is only about 50 outside today.....remember how that feels?} I walked from Hungry bear in V-Town to the AGCC IN HEELS!!! which was fun. and we were talking about how when you say something and you don't mean it and I mentioned I love you. and Stephanie Vaine was on the other end of the phone and said I had to prove my love...and yadayadayda
Off Topic.
I have recently came to the realization that everything is real. Everything we touch and everything we see. So when I see my life before my eyes I know its real. I've been holding on to things I shouldn't and it's time to let them go.
So, I can look back and remember things and they feel so real to me. Life is all about finding your happiness and being who we are. What if in a single moment we could choose our destiny? How would we change? And what would we sacrifice?
Some memories in life we choose to remember, and some we can never forget. I know that the saddest memories in my life, I wont be able to forget, and the happier ones. We all choose to remember those. I live and learn through all of the memories. We all do.
Some of us it takes longer. I have just recently learned that when you tell someone that you are going to beat them...they expect it. Except for adults....they will beat you back! haha.
My life never seems to change but when I see people they say that I am so different. and it confuses me..

okay, this was a really random blog. and if you followed any of it. 25 cents is waiting at my house for you!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

God is Bigger

I picture this as a softball game [bear with me I lvoe Softball] Okay, so It's the bottom of the 9th bases are loaded and You are up to bat. Ball 1 goes by and its a strike. [Oh you are down by 3 runs too], Ball 2 goes by and its a strike..the ump screams STRIKE TWO!, Now at this point I would think about giving up, But In most cases any softball player with a heart would stand there and wait for the next pitch......

Which is what I am waiting for....God is going to Pitch something my way and I need to be ready to swing away! I need to take every pitch and take it even if I am not prepared. I can't be affraid. If I am affraid then 9 times out of 10 I will get hit [which would be falling] But I can't be affraid to fall. I need to be able to get back up and keep going! I may fail. But I need to realize that my failures can be turned around. My Failures can be made into something more than ever imaginable.

So Let me finish my softball game.... The next pitch...she releases it.....BALL ONE!. Yeah thats what is amazing about God. He wants us to be strong so Him and Satan[I always want to put Santa instead of Satan..idk why] are talking somewhere saying...Why don't you consider Him or Her? and Satan is like...they'll hate you forever. Well, after 2 Strikes. and You are about ready to give up. Thats when God is liek okay...I'll throw something good [it could be a shopping spree, a bf/gf. or even some sort of money.]

God is going to be there for us. and I guess thats what I have been missing out on. I have been looking at those things as something that Satan is trying to persuade me with. To come to the dark side. But They're not from Satan..they are from God.

They can save you so that you dont have to do anything else.

God will always be there.

Satan will always be there.

But God is stronger.

"God is bigger than the boogie man"-Veggie Tales

Oh and something random...

Here is a pic of my hair..I got it cut 2 weeks ago!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Cotton Candy Believers?

Cotton-candy Believers?
Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.JOB 13:15a
"We like to talk about having the faith to be healed - what about the faith to be sick?." - Mike Mason
It takes a whole lot more faith to hear a “No” from God than a “yes.” A greater maturity is called for when God requires us to wait or when He, at times, appears silent in the midst of our painful circumstances. Any one of us can be whipped into a faith-filled, spiritual frenzy when the sun is shining , the bank account is full and our health is top notch, but let the bank account spring a leak due to a sudden job loss or we are handed a diagnosis of some dreaded disease and watch how the faith-o-meter plummets. In fact, listen to how the Enemy accused Old Testamentnt Job to God, “Of course Job loves You and trusts You, look how You take care of his every need. I bet if You let his world fall apart, he would curse You to Your face.” see Job 1:10-11
Ahhhh, but ol’ Job wasn’t your ordinary, run of the mill, cotton-candy believer. Not this guy. When the bad news and “what I feared the most” tragedies came flooding in, Job confessed -- perhaps through tears and clenched teeth, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
Trust Him to know what’s best.
Trust His sovereign control.
Trust Him with my future.
Trust Him with my pain.
Trust His provision.
Trust His timing.
Trust His ways.
Trust His delays.
Trust His silence.
Trust His Word.
Simply trust.

Even if my circumstances stink -- yet will I trust Him. Not -- yet will I think it's great to suffer or, yet will take pleasure in the trial or, yet will I enjoy painful circumstances or, yet will I ignore the searing emotional ache…
No, Beloved, no. Yet will I trust Him.
Whatever the Lord God has allowed into your life, tragedy or triumph, healing or heartache…trust Him.
In quietness and trust is your strength Isaiah 30:15
Father God,
Cause my faith to rise above the make-me-feel-good kind of modern day Christianity and instead, embrace Your sovereign control over my life, even when it involves pain. Enable me to trust You as easily with a “No” as I do with a “yes” answer. I love You.
In Jesus’ precious name,
In service to Jesus, my Savior,
Becky Lusignolo-McGlone

I got this off of

This applies to everything and everyone!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time for God??

Read only if you have time for God Let me tell you, make sure you read all the way to the bottom. I almost deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end God, when I received this e-mail, I thought... I don't have time for this... And, this is really inappropriate during work. Then, I realized that this kind of thinking is.... Exactly, what has caused a lot of the problems in our world today. We try to keep God in church on Sunday morning... Maybe, Sunday night... And, the unlikely event of a midweek service. We do like to have Him around during sickness.... And, of course, at funerals. However, we don't have time, or room, for Him during work or play... Because.. That's the part of our lives we think... We can, and should, handle on our own. May God forgive me for ever thinking... That... There is a time or place where.. HE is not to be FIRST in my life. We should always have time to remember all HE has done for us. If, You aren't ashamed to do this... Please follow the directions. Jesus said, 'If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father.' Not ashamed? Pass this on ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT!! Yes, I do Love God. HE is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be nothing. But, with Christ, HE strengthens me. (Phil 4:13) This is the simplest test. If You Love God... And, are not ashamed of all the marvelous things HE has done for you... Send this to ten people and the person who sent it to you! Now do you have the time to pass it on? Make sure that you scroll through to the end. Easy vs. Hard Why is it so hard to tell the truth but Yet so easy to tell a lie?

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Daddy!

Arthur Lee Flemings Jr. November 10 1971- October 14 1999

Father of 6 Children
Heidi 17yrs old
Ashely 16yrs old
Amber 15 yrs old
Marrissa (died)
Danyell 9yrs old
Duke 9yrs old

Son of Gloria Deo Flemings and Arthur Lee Flemings Sr.

Best friend to all who came in contact with him.

Quite A Hero
Author Unknown
My Hero is the quiet type,No marching bands, no media hype,But through my eyes it's plain to see,A hero, God has sent to me.With gentle strength and quiet pride,All self concern is set aside,To reach out to our fellow man,And be there with a helping hand.Heroes are a rarity,A blessing to humanity.With all they give and all they do,I'll bet the thing you never knew,My quiet hero has always been you.

My Hero
by Debbie Hinton Young
As I ponder the love that I saw in his eyes,A Godly love, given without compromise....I recall many times that he stood by my side,And prodded me on with great vigor and pride.His voice ever confident, firm and yet fair,Always speaking with patience, tenderness and care.The power and might of his hands was so sure,I knew there was nothing we couldn't endure.It's true, a few others provided insight,Yet, he laid the foundation that kept me upright.He's the grandest of men to have lived on this earth,Although he's not royal by stature or birth.He's a man of great dignity, honor and strength.His merits are noble, and of admirable length.He's far greater than all other men that I know,He's my Dad, he's my mentor, my friend and hero.
No matter how many times we faught, no matter how many times I blamed you for everything that went wrong, I always knew that you would be there to give me those daddy hugs. You know the ones where no matter what was going on you could wrap me in a bear hug and just squeez tightly and never let me go. I always knew that I could lean on you.
I Love you with all of my heart and although you are gone You are still so close to my heart.
I still have that Cat that you gave me when I was born and I still sleep with it next to my heart. I have your pictures all over my room, and I still have a pair of your boxers! I can't wait till the day when I get to Heaven and I see your face. I know that we will have some catching up to do. I hope it's you that is sitting on a bench waiting for me to get there so we can both go through the gates together. I know God is holding tight. I still got some time left here on earth but when I get to heaven I can't wait to get one of those Daddy hugs. I truely miss them. and I truely miss you.
I am still that Daddy's girl that I was. I have grown up and I am looking more like you each day! I love you and miss you.
Your baby girl

Friday, September 5, 2008


Okay, so today my mom had a doctors appointment at like 2:20 so I went with her because we were gonna go to Fashion Bug to get a couple of things. We get there and they are doing their Mystery Sale and hey were handing out scratch off's to win prize's it was anywhere from 25%-50% off your purchase and if you were lucky you won $250 for a shopping spree! So I grabbed 2 tickets not meaning to, and The lady scratched off the first one and it was 25% off and the second one said I was a winner of the $250 shopping spree! I was stoked. We shopped for almost 2 hours! It was amazing!
I'll update more later.!!.!



Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Okay, So this is completely random but I have a song stuck in my head that I may use for my Sunday school lesson this week!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HAVE TO WRITE MY SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am a GENIUS!
I am so uber smart Albert Einstein looks like an idiot!


where was I. Oh eYEAH! Do you see that girl right there! haha! That Becky! She Rocks my Socks!
She is funny.
Sorry Beck I had to do it! LOVES! *heidi holds hands in the shape of a heart*

Hey atleast its a Smexi Photo Beck!